How Agile Leaders Battled Against Working Remotely?

Before the global pandemic Covid19, everyone was used to doing their daily routines, but the world changed after the virus arrived in several countries. Establishments were closed down. The government moved students to learn through online classes, and conferences shifted from face-to-face to virtual meetings for the government’s safety precautionary measures. 

Even though technology has exposed the world to digital tools and online meetings, most people adjusted to this hybrid environment. For Agile leaders and organizations, how do they continuously deliver and progress even at the peak of a pandemic? 

The pandemic affected our situation, and it is impressive how the agile teams adapted and adjusted rapidly to the technology to learn, connect and work. This individual adjustment helps the agile leaders to create factors in delivering agility, nurture an agile mindset, help organizations alleviate digital pain points, and develop solutions for their clients.

There are three relevant ways to effectively work remotely in agile, such as, 

  • Communication
  • Virtual meetings
  • Digital tools


Communication is key to successful collaborations within the agile team and builds a conducive environment for the team. Even though face-to-face meetings are the best for collaborating, virtual meetings are more satisfying than calls which also build trust in an organization toward its customers.

On the other hand, in managing new clients, it will be hard to gain their trust as we cannot clearly deliver business proposals personally. Still, you can create a practical approach to customers’ needs and show your past client’s satisfaction with your new customers to help them judge how your organization delivers services and your reliability. 

Build effective communication during the pandemic through virtual meetings and digital communication tools for the customers and involve teams to discuss the client’s digital challenges, how agile services build business transparency, and the team’s work progress through every sprint.

Trust is powerful, especially in our hybrid technology today. Even though we cannot be physically visible to our organization, it enables us to be self-organizing and self-managing teams to deliver high-quality products. To help our team to stay focused, we encourage them to build a workspace and be continuously visible online.

Remote working challenges both parties (customer and service providers), and with proper communication, both can collaborate seamlessly and sufficiently.

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